大家學標準日本語:每日一句 旅行會話篇

by Soyong Corp.


6.49 usd

Go from the grammar textbook to the specific learning goals of real conversation! Every conversation can echo and verify the grammar rules! The daily sentence and conversation exercises introduced in the book will definitely help you open up communication and exchanges when you travel in Japan.

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***從「文法課本」進入「真實會話」的具體學習目標!每一句會話「都能呼應、驗證文法規則」!***『學了就要用』,這是提升語言能力的鐵則。去日本旅行,絕對是實際練習日語的最好機會。本書收錄了許多當你到日本旅行時,『經常需要對日本人說』,或是『經常聽到日本人說』的各種會話表現方式。書中所介紹的「每日一句」及「會話練習」,一定有助於你在日本旅遊時,開啟溝通、展開交流。◎ 內容特色—應用篇 到日本旅遊時,使用日語是為了「滿足自己的需要、解決眼前的麻煩」,這也是「旅遊日語」最重要的「自救、自助」功能。1. 套用「固定文型」,有效達成「自救、自助」! 掌握固定文型、並放入關鍵單字,就能清楚傳達【我需要~】及【請幫我~】的念頭。2. 體驗「實境應答」,模擬如何「自救、自助」! 141個單元的「旅遊實境會話」,從具體交談過程,掌握「表達自己需求的關鍵一句」以及「日本人的回應模式」。道地的日式語言思維、完整的應答過程,能持續話題,提供每一步驟的應對話語、解決方案。3. 詳列「常用表現」,豐富線索「自救、自助」! 如【點飲料】的常用表現:少冰/減糖/去糖;【消費金額】的相關說法:含稅價格/不含稅價格/包含服務費/加成費用等等。4. 滿載!置身日本的想像 補充「旅遊小知識」、解釋「日本人維持會話節奏的常用語氣詞」。◎ 內容特色—學習篇希望每日「花30分鐘完整學習一句話所隱含的規則性文法」,並掌握「適時、適地、適人」的使用時機,達成「深入、完整」的有效學習。1. 拆解規則性文法,並安排具體的會話場面活用「每日一句」 除了逐字解說用句結構,重視徹底學好「每一句話所存在的規則性文法、尊敬及謙讓用法」,並透過實際會話場面,指引如何靈活運用。2. 四大途徑完整教學「每日一句」 透過4單元學習途徑:圖像化的【文型圖解】、提示【日本人經常使用的表現文型】、【情境式用法解說】、【具體的會話場面】,達成真正的「學以致用」。3.【情境式用法解說】學習會話更具臨場感 詳述這句話「什麼時候說?」「可以對誰說?」以及「從中文句義看不出來的用法線索」、「提醒建議」等,不僅更容易熟記這個句子,學習會話也更具臨場感!◎ Mebook 學習功能特色學習功能完備,可根據自己的學習節奏與程度,進行個人化設定:1. 【提供最佳閱讀模式】:提供最佳閱讀體驗。可離線使用。2. 【閱讀訓練】:中日對照,以訓練閱讀與理解能力。3. 【聽力訓練】:  ● 會話可「逐句點選」播放,張大耳朵聽,訓練聽力語感。  ● 有「全課語音播放」功能4. 【搜尋】:輸入關鍵字查找標題或全文學習內容。5. 【書籤】:將重要學習內容標記書籤,方便日後反覆復習。6. 【筆記】:學習過程中,可做筆記。7. 【字體】:可依需求調整字體大小。出口仁老師認為「有機會和日本人實際進行交流與溝通,是旅行的最大樂趣。」身處日本,個個場合都有使用日語的機會,「一旦發現自己所學的外語,能夠和以此為母語的當地人達成溝通,心中的喜悅與成就感,一定遠遠超過考試時得到好成績。」● 製作發行:曉騰國際( Mebook )● 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡-   1. 客服信箱:[email protected]   2. 客服留言板:https://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp   3. 客服電話:請於上班時間來電02-77210772轉510   我們一定竭誠為您服務。***From the "Grammar Textbook" to the specific learning goals of "Real Conversation"! Every conversation "can echo and verify the grammar rules"! ***"You must use it when you learn it", this is the iron rule for improving your language ability. Traveling to Japan is definitely the best opportunity to practice Japanese. This book contains a lot of conversational expressions that "you often need to say to Japanese people" or "we often hear Japanese people" when you travel to Japan. The "Sentence of the Day" and "Conversation Practice" introduced in the book will definitely help you open up communication and exchanges when you travel in Japan.◎ Content Features-Application When traveling in Japan, the use of Japanese is to "satisfy ones needs and solve immediate problems." This is also the most important "self-help and self-help" function of "travel Japanese".1. Apply "fixed style" to effectively achieve "self-help and self-help"! By mastering the fixed style and putting in key words, you can clearly convey the idea of ​​[I need~] and [Please help me~].2. Experience the "realistic response" and simulate how to "help yourself and help yourself"! The 141-unit "Travel Reality Conversation", from the specific conversation process, masters the "key sentence to express ones needs" and "Japanese response mode". The authentic Japanese language thinking and the complete response process can continue the topic, and provide every step of the response words and solutions.3. List the "common performance" in detail, and enrich the clues "self-help, self-help"! For example, the common performance of [Order Drinks]: less ice/sugar reduction/sweet removal; related statements of [consumption amount]: tax-included price/tax-excluded price/service fee/additional fee and so on.4. Fully loaded! Imagination in Japan Supplement "travel tips" and explain "Japanese to maintain the rhythm of conversation".◎ Content features-learning articlesI hope to "spent 30 minutes to fully learn the regular grammar implied in a sentence" every day, and grasp the timing of "timely, right, and right people" to achieve "in-depth and complete" effective learning.1. Disassemble the regular grammar and arrange specific conversation scenes to use "Sentence of the Day" In addition to explaining the sentence structure verbatim, it emphasizes thoroughly learning the "regular grammar, respect and modest usage of each sentence", and guides how to use it flexibly through actual conversational scenes.2. Complete teaching of the four major approaches "One sentence of the day" Through 4 units of learning methods: Graphical [Artistic Illustrations], Prompt [Expression Patterns Often Used by Japanese], [Situational Usage Explanations], [Specific Conversational Scenes], to achieve a true "learning for application".3. [Situational usage explanation] The learning conversation is more realistic Elaborating on the sentence "When did you say it?" "Who can you tell it to?" and "Usage clues that cannot be seen from the meaning of the Chinese sentence", "Reminder suggestions", etc. Not only is it easier to memorize this sentence, but also to learn conversations. A sense of presence!◎ Mebook learning featuresThe learning function is complete, and you can customize it according to your own learning rhythm and level:1. [Provide the best reading mode]: Provide the best reading experience. Can be used offline.2. [Reading training]: Chinese and Japanese comparisons to train reading and comprehension skills.3. [Listening training]:  ● Conversations can be played by "clicking and selecting sentence by sentence", and listen with big ears to train the sense of listening and speaking.  ● There is a "full lesson voice playback" function4. [Search]: Enter keywords to find titles or full text learning content.5. [Bookmarks]: bookmark important learning content to facilitate repeated review in the future.6. [Notes]: You can take notes during the learning process.7. [Font]: The font size can be adjusted as required.Mr. Ou Jen believes that "Having the opportunity to actually communicate and communicate with Japanese people is the greatest pleasure of traveling." When you are in Japan, you have the opportunity to use Japanese on every occasion. To communicate with native speakers, the joy and sense of accomplishment in their hearts must be far greater than getting good results in the exam."● Production and distribution: Mebook International (Mebook)● Customer service contact: If you have any ideas or suggestions about the product, or encounter problems in use, please contact us-  1. Customer service mailbox: [email protected]  2. Customer service message board: https://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp  3. Customer service phone: please call 02-77210772 and 510 during office hours   We will serve you wholeheartedly.在內容畫面提供兩指縮放功能,可以放大縮小頁面文字